Enlaces de Interés…por www.InstitutoInterGlobal.org
SITIOS CRISTIANOS …En inglés/In English
Triablogue… http://triablogue.blogspot.com/ full of links! to good stuff!
Christian History Institute … http://chi.gospelcom.net/
ThinkChristian.net …a blog dedicated to talking about “Christ, culture and the ways our faith plays out in everyday life.”
Lifetime Guarantee Ministries …http://www.lifetime.org/ Counseling. Illuminating the Way
Teach With Movies… http://www.teachwithmovies.org/
The True Light … http://www.thetruelight.net …explore beliefs of eleven main living religions
Christian Examiner http://www.christianexaminer.com …So. California Christian news and events
Online Evangelism…Evangelical Christian Online Training for Online Evangelists
Asian Internet Bible Institute (AIBI)
Cybermissions…12-weeks eCourse: Cybermissions and Web Evangelism.
apologetics …see list of sites
postmodernism: www.gospelcom.net/guide/resources/modern.php
Web Mill’s Flash presentations …http://www.theartmill.com/creation.htm
…practical missions information (fundraising, relief and development, short term missions); church/ministry resources (church planting, evangelism, ministry tools); mission topics (cross-cultural teaching/learning,
spiritual conflict, a theology of missions); academic research (conferences, journals, publishers, religions, schools); and general information (search engines, libraries, phone books, news, Web help, video
resources). By Scott Moreau of Wheaton College, and Mike O’Rear of Global Mapping, International. -
FaithFacts…”add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge” http://www.gospelcom.net/faithfacts/
Articles of Interest…at InterGlobal: an assortment of writings related to online learning (in English)
LifeWay…”biblical solutions for life” http://www.lifeway.com
Terry Wilhite…worship and multimedia editor for Christian Computing magazine. http://terrywilhite.com
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