Libros sobre dos cosas:
las Misiones y el levantar Iglesias, en inglés
Atkerson, Steve, Toward a House Church Theology, New Testament Restoration Foundation, 1998.
Dayton, Edward R. & David A. Fraser, Planning Strategies for World Evangelization, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing House, 1990.
Driscoll, Mark, The Radical Reformission: Reaching Out without selling out, Zondervan.
Dollar, Harold, St. Luke’s Missiology: a Cross-Cultural Challenge, William Carey Library, 1996.
Elmer, Duane, Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility, IVP, 2006.Un libro muy recomendado.
Elmer, Duane, Cross-Cultural Connections, IVP Academic.
Evangelical Missions Quarterly, april 2009, vol. 45, no. 2.
Faircloth, Samuel D., Church Planting for Reproduction. Grand Rapid, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1991.
George, Carl F., Prepare your Church for the Future, Revell, 1984.
Gbade, Niyi, The final harvest, NEMA ,1988.
Guider, Darrell L. and Lois Barrett, Missional Church: A vision for the sending of the Church in North America, Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1998.
Hesselgrave, David J., Planting Churches Cross-Culturally: A Guide for Home and Foreign Missions, Baker Book House, 1980.
Hiebert, Paul G., The Gospel in Human Contexts, Baker, 2009.
Hodges, Melvin L., The Indigenous Church. Springfield, Missouri: Gospel Publishing House, 1953.
Hunter, James Davidson, To change the World: the irony, tragedy, and possibilty of Christianity in the late modern wor
ld, Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. -
Isáis, Juan, The other side of the coin, Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1967.
Kaleb, Jansen Frank, A church for every people, Adopt a People Clearinghouse,. 1993.
Johnstone, Patrick, Operación World, Zondervan Publishing House, 1993.
Newbigin, Lesslie, Follishness to the Greeks: the gospel and western culture, Wm B. Eerdmans, 1986.
Newbigin, Lesslie, The Open Secret: An Introcuction to the Theology of Missions, Wm B. Eerdmans, 1995.
Newbigin, Lesslie, Truth and Authenticity in Modernity, Trinity Press. Newbigin,
Lesslie, and Mrs. Eleanor Jackson, A Word in Season: Perspectives on Christian World Missions, Wm B. Eerdmans, 1994.
Sherwood G. Lingenfelter, Agents of Transformation, Baker, 1996.
Lingenfelter, Sherwood G. y Marvin K. Mayers, Ministering Cross-Culturally, Baker, 1986.
Interdev, Soviet language groups ministry resources study, Interdev, 1991.
Kaleb, Jansen Frank, Target Earth, Univ.of Nations/Globbal, 1989.
Newbigin, Leslie, The Gospel in a Pluralist Society, Eerdmans, ISBN 0-281-04435-X. 245
Pate, Larry, From every people, MARC, 1989.
Peterson, Brooks, Cultural Intelligence, Intercultural Press.
Piper, John, God is the gospel, Crossways Books, 2005.
Piper, John and Tom Steller, Let the Nations be glad!, Baker Academic, 2003.
Pirolo, Neal, Serving as senders , OM Lit Ministry, PO Box 2, Waynesboro, GA 30830.274
Reimer, Johannes, Operation Soviet Union, Logos, 1990.
Rainer, Thom, Effective Evangelistic Churches, Broadman and Holman, 1996.
Rainer, Thom S. & Eric Geiger, Simple Church, B&H Publishing Group.
Richardson, Don, Eternity in their hearts, Regal Books, 1985.
Robinson, George, Striking the Match,
Robinson, Martin y Dwight Smith, Invading Secular Space, Monarch Books, 2003.
Rowell, John, The Small Church,
Sills, M. David, Missionary Call, Moody Publishers.
Snyder, Howard A., The Community of the King, Downers Grove, Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1977.
Starling, Allan, Peoplesfile index, Global Mapping Project, 1986.
Steele, Francis R., Not in vain: the story of North Africa Mission, William Carey Library, 1981.
Steffen, Dr. Tom Alan, “Tribal and Peasant Church planting”, mayo de 1990. 256 paginas. Trabajando con
Steffen, Tom y Lois McKinney Douglas, “Encountering Missionary Life and Times:Preparing for Intercultural Ministry”, Grand Rapids, MI: BakerAcademic, 2008.
Steffen, Tom y Meke Barnett, Business as Missions: From Impoverishment to Empowerment, William Carey Library, 2006.
Steffen, Tom y Steve Rundle, Great Commission Companies: The Emerging Role of Business in Missions, InterVarsity Press, 2003.
Steffen, Tom y F. Douglas Pennoyer, Caring for the Harvest Force in the 21st Century, William Carey Library, 2001.
Steffen, Tom, Reconnecting God’s Story to Ministry: Cross-cultural Storytelling at Home and Abroad; Waynesboro, GA: Authentic Media, 2005.
Steffen, Dr. Tom, “Business as Usual in the Missions Enterprise?”, La Habra, CA: Center for Organizational & Ministry Development, 1999.
Steffen, Dr. Tom, Passing the Baton: Church Planting that Empowers; La Habra, CA: Center for Organizational & Ministry Development, 1997.
Stetzer, Ed, Breaking the Missions Code, Broadman and Holman, 2006.
United Bible Societies, Scriptures of the world, United Bible Societies, 1981.
Various, The Glen Eyrie Report: muslim evangelization, Comité Lausana, 1978.
Wagner, Peter. C., Church Planting for a Greater Harvest, Ventura, California: Regal Books, 1990.
Wagner, Peter. C., Frontiers in Missionary Strategy, Chicago: Moody Press, 1971.
Warren, Rick, The Purpose Driven Church, Grand Rapid, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995.
Windsor, Raymond , World directory of missionary training centres, World Evangelical Fellowship, 1991.
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